Kindle Previewer is a free app that lets you preview any ebook you want to publish on Kindle devices, so you can see exactly what your book will look like when it reaches the hands of its future readers. The app is official and has been developed by Amazon, with the aim of helping authors and publishers working with the platform to offer a more satisfactory experience.
Thanks to Kindle Previewer, you can audit your ebooks and quickly check how they look on different screen sizes, as there are different Kindle models and, more importantly, many users who prefer to read on the smartphone app. In this way, you can avoid a very common problem among ebooks: that they look bad on any screen that's smaller than a standard Kindle.
Another interesting tool offered by Kindle Previewer helps you check the font you've chosen for your ebook. Again, this is a problem that many Kindle readers have and, with nothing more than a simple check, you can fix it. In a matter of minutes, you can check how your book would look with different fonts, in different sizes, on different screens, and with different layouts.
Kindle Previewer is a program aimed primarily at authors and publishers who work regularly with digital books. Thanks to this simple tool, which consumes hardly any resources and takes up very little space on the computer's memory, you can make sure that your ebooks look professional and are accessible to all readers. In short, this is an easy-to-use tool that, in the long run, can bring you many benefits.
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